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=====Khinasi Culture=====

====Vitality==== Endurance: 20 + Heart Hope: 10 + Heart

====Cultural Blessing: Civilized Grace==== The Khinasi are a polite and well-educated people. Knowledge, beauty, and proper respect are held in higher regard than brute strength or wanton greed.

You select three skills from your Calling to become favored instead of two. In addition, when making a Corruption test you roll the feat die twice and keep the better result.

====Weapon Skills==== (Swords) 2, Spear 1, Dagger 1 Bow 2, Short Sword 1, Dagger 1

====Common Skills====

|=| |=|Body|=|Heart|=|Wits|| ||Personality|| Awe 0|| Inspire 1|| Persuade 2|| ||Movement||Athletics 0||Travel 1||Stealth 0|| ||Perception||Awareness 1||Insight 1||Search 2|| ||Survival||Explore 0||Healing 1||Hunting 0|| ||Custom||Song 2||Courtesy 2||Riddle 2|| ||Vocation||Craft 1||Battle 0||Lore 2||

====Traits==== Choose two from: Gardener, Herb-lore, Leechcraft, Old lore, Region-lore, Smoking