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This is a historical version of Old_Sky_Lord from 2022-02-14 19:27:08. You cannot edit this page.

=====Old Sky Lord=====

Old Sky Lord is the second in command of the adult section of the [[Hell Clan|Hell Clan]] and the father of the [[Hell_Clan#hn_Sky_Lord|"Young" Sky Lord]]. He is the absolute master of a technique that channels lightning inside the body to super-charge reflexes and muscle power. This has become such a second nature to him that he needs to focus mentally on //not// powering up, or else he'll do it without even really noticing it.

===The Four Seasons===

He and his wife Lady Sky taught their daughter nearly everything they know, but besides her they also took four other students. Old Sky Lord taught [[Grey Winters|Grey Winters]] and [[Emerald Spring|Emerald Spring]], giving them both roughly half of his martial knowledge. His wife taught [[4:_Emptiness#hn_Drifting_Clouded_Autumn|Drifting Clouded Autumn]] and [[3:_Girl#hn_59ca4f8bbb_2|Fierce Summer]].

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