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This is a historical version of Lantern_Road from 2022-02-15 15:32:37. You cannot edit this page.

Lantern Road school

  1. Overview
  2. Benevolence
  3. Careless Breeze
  4. Lantern Saint


There is a small neighborhood criss-crossed with rivers and canals where it seems like time stood still. And in this neighborhood there is a small, traditional school where students learn old, traditional styles. Life here is simple but good. And for some reason or another, Monkey Princess is very popular here.

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The merciful and friendly Benevolence is a doctor who has never refused help to anybody who genuinely needs it.
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Careless Breeze

Careless Breeze has a luxurious life without any responsibilities or troubles. She likes to loiter, snooze, and wander. She also seems completely oblivious to the fact that if you're leaping from rooftop to rooftop in a skirt, you're giving away quite a show to the people below.
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Lantern Saint

Lantern Saint is the granddaughter of the current head of the school and she stands to inherit both the school and his famous martial arts. She and Scarlet Tiger Prince were promised to one another by their families but the two youngsters want nothing to do with arranged marriages.
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