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===The Four Grand Pillars===

In four directions away from the Forbidden City stand the four figurative pillars of the martial arts society. Each of them is centuries old and has a history so full of heroes and villains and marvels that each of them could fill a small library with their stories.

[[Small Forest Sect|Small Forest Sect (North-East)]] [[Dragon Well Sect|Dragon Well Sect (South-East)]] [[Iron Shadow Fortress|Iron Shadow Fortress (South-West)]] [[Lofty Mountain Society|Lofty Mountain Society (North-West)]]

===The Major Factions===

These factions are not quite as ancient and illustrious as the Pillars but they nevertheless wield an enormous amount of power and influence.

[[Beggar Fraternity|Beggar Fraternity]] [[Heaven Sword Clan|Heaven Sword Clan]] [[Hell Clan|Hell Clan]] [[Wei Corporation|Wei Corporation]]

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